Tuesday, April 12, 2005

City Goes After Tree Wreckage Art

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) Harley-Davidson enthusiast Richard Woodworth has an unusual piece of art in his back yard, and it’s causing him quite a headache with the city of Raleigh.

It’s the gnarled metal of a wrecked motorcycle hanging in a tree.

In February, a city inspector walked on Woodworth’s wooded property and decided the dangling metal fell under Raleigh’s code definition of a nuisance motor vehicle. But even though Woodworth lives a mile outside the city limits and has posted no-trespassing signs, he falls under some city code enforcement.

For Woodworth, that meant receiving a city inspections letter telling him to pay a $100 administrative inspection fee and demanding that he remove the motorcycle.

Read the complete article at WCCO.com


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