Friday, May 27, 2005

Air miles for jet-set pets

Four dogs and a cat have been signed up to the Virgin Atlantic Flying Paws reward scheme since it was launched earlier this month, a spokeswoman for the airline said today.
Despite the cost – flying a pet from London to New York in the hold of a plane can cost around £400 ($962) – Virgin carried 1250 animals last year, twice the number of the year before.

In a bid to tempt fussy pets onto their flights, dogs taking their first Virgin trip will be given a T-shirt and dog tag, while cats receive a toy mouse, and ferrets – a surprisingly popular animal companion for Britons – get a flying jacket and collar tag.

Once pets have notched up five 'paw prints' in their frequent flyer book, they can acquire other goodies such as hand-made food bowls, while yet more trips win pedicures or Burberry, Prada and Gucci pet clothing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

how ridiculous

6:35 AM  

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